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Why join the PHAI?
Simon Bell of the Passive House Association of Ireland outlines how the organisation can help clients, professionals and suppliers to deliver the passive house standard.
This article was originally published in issue 35 of Passive House Plus magazine. Want immediate access to all back issues and exclusive extra content? Click here to subscribe for as little as €10, or click here to receive the next issue free of charge
The impact of global climate change and the Covid-19 pandemic are challenging us all to think differently about how we live, the places we design and build, and ultimately the legacy we leave. With a need to act fast to reduce carbon emissions and respond to client demands for better buildings. The industry must upskill, learn from the pioneers, and develop experience in delivering buildings successfully to passive house or NZEB standard. These approaches have expanded from the realm of the aspirational eco house self-builder to all building typologies including schools, offices, factories and even swimming pools. Of course the industry isn’t fully prepared to deliver to these standards yet, not everyone has the necessary skills or experience, there may be limitations with product availability, and some project types just haven’t been delivered to a standard like passive house before.
More than ever the construction industry must work collaboratively to deliver buildings to higher standards, with better outcomes for residents or users.
The Passive House Association of Ireland (PHAI) exists to promote the passive house standard, and passive house principles as an approach to delivering NZEB, and to support clients, professionals, contractors and suppliers in delivering high performing buildings. It has educated, facilitated discussion, shared knowledge, lobbied government and supported research across Ireland and Northern Ireland.
More than ever the construction industry must work collaboratively to deliver buildings to higher standards.
PHAI recently submitted a paper in response to the call for evidence for the energy strategy being developed by the Department for the Economy in Northern Ireland, and we look forward to engaging with the department as that strategy is developed.
PHAI is an affiliate of the International Passive House Association (iPHA), which is the global passive house network established by the Passive House Institute to advance the standard. Through this affiliation PHAI is connected to 18 other passive house organisations around the world, providing the opportunity to learn from others as well as promoting the experience and innovation within the PHAI membership.
Members of PHAI receive automatic membership to the iPHA and its related resources. These include the useful Passipedia, an online library of specialised passive house knowledge; the iPHA forum offering the opportunity to engage and share with other professionals worldwide; access to the excellent iPHA webinars often covering pioneering projects and building types, and of course discounts on the International Passive House Conference which is now scheduled to take place online from 20 September to 8 October.
PHAI membership enables individuals, practices, companies and public bodies to be part of this community and to contribute to its growth. Only through the support of its membership can PHAI continue to undertake the work that it does.
PHAI is delighted to welcome Senator Windows as our latest member. We look forward to their support and input.
Standard membership offers the following benefits:
- Automatic membership to the iPHA and related resources
- Free subscription to Passive House Plus magazine
- Discounts to upcoming events and certain publications
- Access to passive house research and other outputs
- Networking opportunities
- Benefit from promotion and marketing by the association through our website
- Part of a lobbying group to influence government policy
- Increased professional exposure and credibility
- Use of passive house logo
For those who wish to support the research work undertaken by PHAI, Patron membership has been established with the following benefits:
- Automatically receive all the benefits of standard membership of the Passive House Association of Ireland & the International Passive House Association
- Be invited to join our technical working groups and other committees, thus influencing policy
- Be able to attend exclusive meetings to develop strategies and proceedings
- Have logo and name associated and displayed on all relevant Passive House Association of Ireland research material published on our website
- Be able to use the Passive House Association of Ireland logo on marketing materials
- Free half page editorial per year in Passive House Plus magazine
- Opportunity to promote at PHAI briefings which take place throughout Ireland and Northern Ireland
- Early access to Passive House Association of Ireland research and other outputs
- Network with leading passive house experts, practitioners and academics
PHAI is here to support you; engage with us, become a member, share your experience and your needs. With an experienced membership of individuals and companies as well as connections worldwide, PHAI can help to ensure your project is a success.
We look forward to sharing some exciting plans in relation to guidance, training, software and STEM support in future editions of Passive House Plus.
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