Full page
220mm x 307mm (bleed full)
210mm x 297mm (trim area)
190mm x 277mm (text area)
Half page
190mm x 135mm (horizontal)
93mm x 277mm (strip)
Quarter page
93mm x 135mm
Double page spread *
435mm x 307mm (bleed full)
425mm x 297mm (trim area)
190mm x 277mm (text area)
*These measurements allow for a 5mm spine between the two pages. Artwork should allow for this to avoid text or images being lost to the spine.
All adverts must be supplied in CMYK colour at a minimum resolution of 300dpi.
Acceptable file formats include jpeg, pdf & EPS
For information on inserts, contact the publisher at +35312107513 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Banner ads:
We require two versions of any leaderboard banner ad for desktop and mobile displays, and you may also supply one MPU ad.
Browser leaderboard ads must measure 728 pixels by 90 pixels.
Mobile leaderboard ads must measure 320 pixels by 50 pixels.
MPU ads must measure 300 pixels by 250 pixels.
We accept the following formats:
- SWF (flash) file with a valid clickTAG . Can contain animation, sound, video and interactive features, but should follow IAB rich media guidelines (especially, by default, units should not play sound, expand or trigger large video downloads).
- Full banner in email can just be delivered as GIF, JPG or PNG
- Please ensure you provide a target URL for all banner units when sending them over.