Thermal breaks webinar - watch online

Thermal breaks webinar - watch online

On June 8, 2021 Passive House Plus, in association with Farrat, chaired a hugely informative roundtable on thermal breaks. If you missed it, the video can now be viewed online.

Are good design and building physics at loggerheads when it comes to thermal bridging? Would some of the world's great pieces of architecture have been built if they had to pay such close attention to building physics? Do we need a new way to think about architecture in the twenty-first century?

The webinar explored the apparent conflict between architecture and building physics, with thermal bridging as the battlefield between conventional notions of design and the need to create buildings that actually work in the context of a climate emergency.

Hosted by our editor, Jeff Colley, our speakers were:

-John Morehead, director, Wain Morehead Architects
-Dr Sarah Price, Associate Director of Building Physics, Enhabit
-David Stevenson, housing energy officer, Renfrewshire Council
-Ruth Butler, Pritchard Architecture
-Robert White, technical associate, Architype
-Rafael Delimata, director, Bow Tie Construction
-Dr Marc O’Riain, MTU & Rua Architects
-Nick Grant, Elemental Solutions
-Prof Will Swan, Applied Buildings and Energy Research Group at the University of Salford
-Joe Pemberton, PhD candidate at the University of Salford
-Chris Lister, commercial manager, Farrat
-Tara Fraser, director, Build Collective


Last modified on Wednesday, 09 June 2021 16:08

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