Richmond Building Products has announced the launch of its new range of streamline photovoltaic and solar thermal panels.
A new house has used the Smartroof system to improve its thermal performance, reducing its U-values to near unprecedented levels.
ENVIRONMENT Minister John Gormley has admitted he fast-tracked motor tax incentives in order to boost car sales.
THE country's largest private waste collector claimed yesterday that a decision by Bord Pleanála to turn down its plans for a controversial €20 million superdump would only compound the waste crisis facing the Munster region.
A DEVELOPER who built 52 holiday homes close to the Rock of Cashel has been granted "retention planning permission" for 32 of the houses.
Developer Seymour Sweeney is appealing against the planning refusal for his controversial Giant's Causeway visitor centre scheme, it can be revealed today. The move opens the way for another round in one of the most high-profile battles ever waged in Northern Ireland's planning system.
Energy Saving Day was a flop, its organiser admitted last night after the National Grid confirmed that across Britain energy use went up by just over one per cent.