Toxic fear darkens eco-bulb

COMPULSORY eco friendly light bulbs could end up poisoning Ireland's lakes and rivers when they are dumped, experts have warned.

Far away hills are green

People might think that John Gormley got a tough start as a government minister considering that he is a member of an extreme Green Party. The incinerator got permission in his own constituency. He also found himself joined with Fianna Fail, which also means an alignment with the builders. Hardly the stuff of the Greens. Then he had a stroke of luck with the Sliabh Aughty mountains. The greenest of the green. To look at it like that is actually a misjudgement.

Brian Cowen handcuffs the Heritage Trust

ALTHOUGH the Irish Heritage Trust (IHT) got the all clear to take over Fota House and Gardens shortly before Christmas, Brian Cowen has attached very stringent conditions.

Conservation order for square

Dartmouth Square near Ranelagh, Dublin, which has been at the centre of disputes between Athlone businessman Noel O'Gara and Dublin City Council since 2006, has been granted special conservation status by the council.

Pylon protests pile pressure on Ryan

A 'blitz' of ten under-age teams organised by Meath County GAA will gather today at an all-weather pitch in Dunganny to protest against national grid operator, EirGrid's high power electric lines in the region.

Nuclear power plan for Ulster

A millionaire businessman today told the Belfast Telegraph how he hopes to build a £1bn nuclear power station in the province. Londonderry entrepreneur Robert Andrews - founder of the hi-tech Andronics satellite products company - said he is preparing an environmental impact study to see what effect a nuclear power station would have on the region.

First oral hearing under new fast-track planning system opens

The first public hearing to be conducted under a new fast-track planning process for major infrastructural developments will begin today.

A €500 million gas terminal at the Shannon estuary in Co Kerry is the first project to be advanced to An Bord Pleanála oral hearing stage under the new Strategic Infrastructure Act.

Clonmel hearing into plan for 'green' facility for waste

Bord Pleanala will begin an oral hearing in Clonmel tomorrow on a project which crystallises the national debate on how to dispose of or recycle waste.

A business consortium, Green Organics Energy Ltd (GOE), wants to build a facility for the "environmentally sustainable treatment" of waste, including animal by-products generated by the Irish meatprocessing industry.